The acquisition of the Vogel & Noot plough factory has given Amazone access to a wider range of models, and the company is wasting no time in finishing one of the ranges in its green-orange colours. On display at Agromek this week is one of five new Cayros mounted reversible models. Supplementing the existing Cayron models, the smallest Cayros is the M (3-4 furrows for tractors up to 120hp), while the XM, XMS and XS ranges are for tractors of up to 140hp, 200hp and 260hp respectively. The XS Pro flagship model is available in three types with 4-6 furrows for tractors up to 380hp. All Cayros ploughs can be optionally equipped with mechanical or hydraulic furrow width adjustment. For stone protection, a mechanical, a half-automatic coil spring or a fully automatic hydraulic version is available. All models are offered with five different bodies including a slatted mouldboard. The Cayros will break cover in the UK at LAMMA.
Amazone shows new mounted reversible ploughs

The acquisition of the Vogel & Noot plough factory has given Amazone access to a wider range of models, and the company is wasting no time in finishing one of the ranges in its green-orange colours. On display at Agromek this week is one of five new Cayros mounted reversible models. Supplementing the existing Cayron models, […]