New Holland put its new BigBaler 1290 Plus to the test in France last autumn, teaming it up with a T7.315 in a challenge that saw the combination work 17 hours and bale 115ha over two days at a farm in the Pays de la Loire. On the first day, the duo worked in sunny conditions with temperatures ranging from 19 to 27C, completing three fields and a total of 84ha. The weather conditions changed the next day, and having completed 31ha, the decision was taken to stop when bale moisture increased above 14%. The IntelliCruise feed rate control system was used for the duration of the endurance test. Automatically adjusting tractor speed to ensure it operated at the maximum, the baler achieved an average capacity of 32t/hr.  The 1,254 bales produced during the two days had an average weight of 434kg and length of 2.37m. New Holland reckons these heavier bale weights were due to the 80cm longer bale chamber over the previous model, helping the Plus deliver up to 10% higher density bales. The two day’s activities, which were overseen and the results certified by SGS Agriculture, Food & Life, saw the T7 used 481.7 litres of diesel (0.89lit/t – 0.38lit/bale). The new baler is heading to LAMMA, when all the features of the Plus package will be revealed.