Seven years since launch, Berthoud has treated its long-serving Raptor self-propelled sprayer to a number of ‘significant upgrades’. Arguably the most important of these new additions is Eco functionality for the machine’s Bosch Rexroth hydrostatic transmission. In combination with cruise control, and where field conditions allow, this gives the possibility to run the engine down as low as 1,350rpm rather than the more conventional 1,900rpm for better fuel efficiency and reduced noise levels. Inside the cab there’s a weight-sensitive air seat, redesigned right-hand console and a new monitor that shows the full gamut of operating information, while back outside the operator will also appreciate the maintenance-friendly, hydraulically raised bonnet — this used to be an unbolt, lift-off affair — and the repositioning of the engine oil dipstick. In terms of model line-up there are three mid-cab machines: the 175hp 3240 (217hp option), 217hp 4240 (245hp option) and 217hp 5240 (245hp option) with respective tank sizes of 3,200 litres, 4,200 litres and 5,200 litres. Price of the new 3240 on farm is expected to be about £130,000. Next development will be to incorporate these latest design upgrades on to the Raptor’s front-cab format.
Cereals 16: Raptor refreshed

Seven years since launch, Berthoud has treated its long-serving Raptor self-propelled sprayer to a number of ‘significant upgrades’. Arguably the most important of these new additions is Eco functionality for the machine’s Bosch Rexroth hydrostatic transmission. In combination with cruise control, and where field conditions allow, this gives the possibility to run the engine down as […]