Around 75% of Väderstad TopDown disc/tine cultivators sold in the UK are specified with a Double SteelRunner rear press, and now the same option is available for the firm’s Carrier XL and L disc/press machines.  Main advantage of the Double SteelRunner over the Single SteelRunner is on heavier ground, where the two rows of rings can be either set to give a firm and level finish or pitched back to create a more ridged surface. Clods can also be trapped between the front and rear rings to provide a more aggressive ‘marmalising’ effect.  In terms of price, the ‘Double’ costs about 10% more than the ‘Single’. So, to give one example, the Single SteelRunner option on a 6.25m Carrier XL retails at £13,440, the ‘Double’ at about £14,800.