Evenly distributing chopped straw behind a wide combine cutterbar is not easy is the experience of MR & HL Wandel Farms, in Australia. To improve this the farm built an 18m trailed chopper/spreader.
Located at Scaddan in western Australia, the family (Neil and Mary Wandel and sons Scott and Mark), grow cereals and beans on more than 10,000ha. The farm has operated a strict CTF policy since 2004 with all vehicles on a 3.0m track width and 18m tramlines.

However, in less-than-ideal conditions they found that there was too much chopped straw directly behind the combine and less on the outer meters. In the end, the family decided to chop and spread straw in a separate operation and Mark set to work to design and make the dedicated trailed machine.

Towed behind a John Deere 8R 340, the twin-axle 18m unit uses a pick-up to collect swathed straw. Elevated to the shredder, it is transported via conveyor belts to six rotating straw spreaders.
Source: Profi.de
Pictures: MR & HL Wandel Farms
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