Preliminary results from a survey of over 5,350 Agritechnica visitors reveals two main points – farmers are planning to invest less during the next two years and average farm size continues to increase.  Dealing first with planned investment, 71% of visitors questioned are planning to invest in their businesses during the next two years. This compares with 75% two years ago. At Agritechnica 2013, 57% of visitors were planning to replace machinery and equipment during the same two years, while only 52% of visitors at this year’s show are planning to replace machinery and equipment during the next two years. Furthermore, 8% of visitors to Agritechnica 2015 have no investment plans before the next show in November 2017 (5% in 2013). The survey provides a clear indication that average farm size continues to increase. The numbers of farms operating on an area up to 100ha is down, and the vast majority of visitors (30%) questioned  farm 101-300ha (28 in 2013). 8% of the visitors surveyed have 301-500ha (7% in 2013), 6% farm on 501-1,000ha (5% in 2013), 5% on 1,001-2,000ha (4% in 2013), and 8% of visitors operate on an area in excess of 2,001ha+ (6% in 2013). The survey was commissioned by show organiser DLG (German Agricultural Society), and conducted by Basel-based consultancy firm Wissler & Partner Trade Fair Marketing. Visitors were questioned at various locations throughout the exhibition. Footnote: 73% of the estimated 450,000 Agritechnica visitors were from Germany.