Safety cameras have been used on farm machines for many years, but new technology is now allowing manufacturers to develop some highly sophisticated systems to dramatically improve operator visibility on tractors and self-propelled machines. This week we will take a look at some of them, starting today with a 360° camera system from Massey Ferguson. Available for the MF 9380 Delta and MF 7380 and MF 7382 Centora combines, dedicated software processes signals from four 185° angle cameras – one at the front and rear and one on each side. The data is converted into a single image and displayed on the existing TechTouch terminal’s screen, either across the whole screen or in a quarter-screen view. A new switch, on the armrest, quickly changes the view from a normal rear view to the 360° picture of the complete machine from a ‘birds eye’ perspective. Allowing operators to detect objects that they may not be able to see from the cab, or in the mirrors, MF reckons this not only improves safety and efficiency when manoeuvring the combine, but also reduces the risk of damage. Available sometime this year, the dealer-fitted system takes about a day to install and calibrate. Tomorrow we will take a look at a new safety camera system for tractors.
Safety cameras: 360° vision for MF combines
Safety cameras have been used on farm machines for many years, but new technology is now allowing manufacturers to develop some highly sophisticated systems to dramatically improve operator visibility on tractors and self-propelled machines. This week we will take a look at some of them, starting today with a 360° camera system from Massey Ferguson. Available […]