20,797 hours, that’s how many the Dutch-made Triotrac self-propelled mixer wagon has clocked up during nearly a decade of service for the German Niederseidewitz agricultural cooperative. Located at Bahretal (south of Dresden), Niederseidewitz was the first customer for the first generation Triotrac. Delivered on February 14, 2008, the 20m³ machine fed all the animals at a 2,200ha dairy farm (1,080 milking cows and another 900-young stock).
Mixing a dozen loads, and processing 50t of feed a day (18,250t a year), the Triotrac ran five hours a day for 365 days a year, and was never stationary for longer than half a day. Smaller maintenance jobs, such as filter replacements and oil changes, were done in the farm’s workshop, with major maintenance, which over the past ten years, has seen the augers, cutting unit and mixing tub replaced, carried out by the dealer.
After 9.5 years of faithful service the time came to replace the machine, and guess what, it was succeeded by another Trioliet-made Triotrac – a new edition twin-auger 20m³ 2-2000 model that is easily capable of tackling the farm’s 5.5m-high clamps.