Driving impression: Lemken VariTansanit plough Hybrid plough exhibits extra vigour There’s nothing too revolutionary with the view that two contrasting machine configurations invariably have their respective good points and bad points. But if, somehow, a designer is able to marry these two into one, keeping the good bits and ditching the bad, then that’s real progress. With this in mind, meet the new Lemken VariTansanit – a semi-mounted plough with ‘mounted’ aspirations
Lemken – VariTansanit

Driving impression: Lemken VariTansanit plough Hybrid plough exhibits extra vigour There’s nothing too revolutionary with the view that two contrasting machine configurations invariably have their respective good points and bad points. But if, somehow, a designer is able to marry these two into one, keeping the good bits and ditching the bad, then that’s real […]
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