Originally branded as OPICO Vari-Flex rolls, the He-Va TIP roller range has evolved in detail since its original introduction in the 1990s. It was the addition of a Shattaboard option in 1997, however, that saw the TIP roller family emerge as being far more than just a folding Cambridge roll, with continued popularity of these rollers seeing the range extended to include a new five-gang 12.30m version, which made its UK debut at Cereals 2017

To clear up some possible confusion among potential buyers, the OPICO- branded Vari-Flex roller and, from 2004, He-Va TIP roller models are one and the same. OPICO shrank its decal size in favour of He-Va in recognition of the growing popularity of the Danish manufacturer’s products both in the UK and the rest of Europe……….[To read more, see the instructions on this page]