Nothing can make a fleet of trailer drivers envy the buckrake operator more than when it comes time to sheet up. And it seems profi readers are also looking for easier options for covering a clamp, sending us in the featured suggestions.

There is always that one old tyre that happens to be filled with water, or sometimes a liquid that’s a lot more potent, landing just in front to splatter you with its unsavoury contents. It’s all part of the character building stuff of sheeting down a silage clamp once the forage is safely in the yard. Yet mucky tyre slinging is only one element of this tedious challenge, so profi readers have been coming up with ideas to help make the entire job a little easier.

Our readers have also sent us some additional machinery storage ideas since our 11/2022 issue. If you have any more tips, please bung them our way.

Helps with re-fills

Having bought this sheet reeler, the farm has added a number of improvements to make it more suited to several cuts of silage. The reel is picked up by the front loader and driven by a small hydro-motor. A throttle valve was fitted to reduce the turn rate. The farm also installed a crossbar that improves control of the reel in windy conditions. This customised reel reduces considerably the manual part of the work and ensures the film is not damaged so it can be used several times. You can raise the reel high on the loader to encourage water and residues to run or trickle out when winding up the sheet.

Film holder on the front loader

This loader-mounted holder has enough space for up to three rolls, which can be of a different size. To unwind a roll, you just reverse the tractor across the clamp.

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