German company B-plus definitely knows its way around the arcane world of integrating electronic systems. Its B-ISOBUS IO Gateway can let you shepherd older implements into the modern world without spending a fortune…

F arm machinery now splits increasingly into two camps: kit that’s ISObussavvy and kit that isn’t. Consequently there’s the common situation where a sprayer, drill or spreader is worked from its dedicated keypad while the tractor’s flashy terminal just comes along for the ride. To let the new speak unto the old you don’t need an ear trumpet. Instead, there’s the B-ISOBUS IO Gateway – a small, rather clever shockproof and dustproof box (the B-CANCubeMini) plus a standard ISObus cable, together costing under £1,000.

In the name ‘IO’ stands for ‘in/out’, which sums up the Gateway’s function. Taking in signals from the tractor’s ISObus via five ports, it provides AEF-certified ISObus control of a non-ISObus implement, displaying customisable options on (and letting you operate the implement from) the tractor’s terminal. A Task Controller then allows an implement to behave as if it was ISObus-linked; for example, switching up to six functions on a sprayer, such as on/off off and five sections. Adding extra-cost slave modules can take this to 24 sections. B-Plus says the IO Gateway is a universal system able to connect to any ISObus terminal and joystick, with an optional keypad or joystick/keypad offered if needed.

The IO Gateway’s inputs and outputs can handle either digital information or analogue current/voltage/ frequency signals, with the outputs able to provide Pulse Width Modulation, digital switching or PWM current control up to four amps. Its software is tailored to the implement through the tractor’s ISObus terminal without the need for a PC or internet connection.

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